金彦亮 的详细资料



学历: 博士研究生

学位: 博士

职称: 副教授




学科专长: 无线宽带通信、物联网、嵌入式设计

所属学科方向(团队): 无线

办公室: B321

联系电话:    13817742381                                     Email jinyanliang@staff.shu.edu.cn



金彦亮   博士,上海大学副教授。2005年获得上海交通大学通信与信息系统专业博士学位。1997年、2000年分获西安电子科技大学电子工程学院信息处理专业学士、硕士学位。2005年起在上海大学通信与信息工程学院工作。通信学会无线专委会委员。





·       《改变生活的通信》、《电路与电子线路(2)》、《无线宽带网络》



·        在读研究生:


















1、企业委托项目“新能源汽车整车控制器和HIL仿真平台” ,2016.05-2018.06

2、上海科委重点项目 “城市轨道交通智能行车监控系统 信息安全关键技术研究”(项目编号:15511107203),2015.06-2017.06

3、 上海科委重点项目“用于消防员生命安全保障的微型多媒体终端的定位系统研发”(项目编号:14511105902),2014.06-2016.06,。

4、 上海市教委创新项目“基于萤火虫算法的大规模无线传感器网络同步机制研 究”2014.01-2015.12

5、 国家自然科学基金项目“复杂场景下基于稀疏表示的声振传感器网络协同分类识别”(项目 编号:61301027),,2013.01-2015.12

6、 上海科委重点项目“TD-LTE 蜂窝网与 WLAN 无线 局域网的融合网络方案与实现”(项目编号: 12511503303,3G),2012.07-2014.06

7、 中国科学院无线传感网与通信重点实验室开放课题“3G,WLAN 无线局域网和无线传感网融合技术研究”,2012.6-2014.5

8、      上海市科委重点项目“微型化多模无线视音频终端产品和应用系统的研发”(项目编号:10511501300)子课题“微型化多模无线视音频传输系统分析与产品测试”,2010.07-2012.6。

9  上海市教委创新项目“异构无线多媒体传感器网络QoS问题的研究”(项目编号:09YZ33),2009.01-2010.12

10  上海市地方高校能力建设项目“无线多媒体传感器网络关键技术研究”(项目编号:08220510900),2008.10-20010.10。。

11  上海市科委攻关项目“宽带无线接入系统研发与应用示范”(项目编号:06dz15013-3)子课题“下行同步和多天线技术研究”, ,2006.11~2008.9。

12  上海市优秀青年教师专项基金“无线传感器网络跨层能量优化问题研究”, 2006.01~2007.12。

13  上海市教委发展基金“ad hoc网络跨层能量优化问题研究”,2005.09~2007.09。

14  上海市科委重点攻关项目“无线传感网络技术攻关及其在道路交通中的应用示范研究”子课题“传感网在道路交通中应用的带状拓扑和网络协议研究”,技术负责人,2005.12~2007.07。

15  企业委托项目“小型近场无线监控系统研究”,2009.12~2011.11。

16  企业合作项目“TD-LTE网络测试验证及优化策略研究”,2009.12~2011.11。

17  企业合作项目“农业物联网无线节点设备开发”,2011.7-2011.9。


·      Tiantian Yu, Yanliang Jin, Changli Fang, Wei Deng, Weisi Guo, and Tao Wang. Low-Complexity Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Two-Way OFDM Relay System [J]. IET Communications. (Accepted).

·      Minqie Qian, Yanliang Jin, Zhuo Wu, Tao Wang. Asynchronous Two-Way Relaying Networks Using Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding [J]. International Journal of Antennas & Propagation, 2015:1-9.(SCI, EI index)

·      Tiantian Yu, Yanliang Jin, Xiaoshuai Zhang, and Bin Yao. A Fast Computing Algorithm on Optimal Energy Efficiency in Two-way OFDM Relay System [C]. IEEE International Symposium on UbiCom Frontiers-Innovative Research, Systems and Technologies, Beijing, China, Aug. 2015 (EI index).

·      Yanliang Jin, Wei deng, etc. A uniform distribution Model in the analysis of the large-scale wireless sensor networks.[C] National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science(CITCS  March 21-222015).

·      Yanliang Jin, Changli Fang, etc.A Combined Chirp Signal Time-Synchronization Scheme for mobile Underwater Sensor Networks[C]The 9th China conference on wireless sensor networkCWSN2015  Aug.29-31)

·      YanliangJin, XuqinZhou, ZhishuBai, WeiMa, LinaXu, ZhuoWu, SuKiOoi, andYueLiu. Survivability-Aware Topology Evolution Model with Link and Node Deletion in Wireless Sensor Networks [J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2014:1-10. (SCI index)

·      Minqie Qian, Yanliang Jin, Zhuo Wu. Distributed differential space-time coding for asynchronous two-way relaying networks with Nakagami-m fading [J]. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2014,21(6):17-23.(EI index)

·      Zhuo Wu, Luodan Liu, Yanliang Jin, and Lingyang Song.Signal Detection for Differential Bidirectional Relaying with Analog Network Coding under Imperfect Synchronisation[J]. IEEE Communication Letters, 2013, 17(6):1132-1135. (SCI index)

·      Yanliang Jin, Zhishu Bai, Lina Xu, etc. Applying firefly synchronization algorithem to slot synchronization[C]. 2013 2013 International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Embedded and multimedia for Human-centric Computing (HumanCom2013&EMC 2013, Taipei, 2013:1017-1029.

·      Yanliang Jin, Yingxiong Song, Jian Chen, etc. MR.Eye:a multi-hop real-time wireless multimedia sensor network[C]. 2013 2013 International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Embedded and multimedia for Human-centric Computing (HumanCom2013&EMC 2013, Taipei, 2013:999-1008.

·      Can Guo, Yanliang Jin, Network topology effects on reachback firefly algorithm in slot synchronization[J]. Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2013, 75-82. (EI: 20130816043387)

·      Yanliang Jin ,Lina Xu, Can Guo, Zhishu Bai,Kai Yang. Opportunistic routing based on cellular wireless sensor network[C]. 2012 IEEE 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence, ICACI 2012, 1094-1097. (EI: 20131116105459)

·      Yanliang Jin, Yong Zhang, Yong Xue. Analysis of RSSI-based Indoor WSN Nodes Localization[J]. Journal of Shanghai University2012:18(5), 470-474.(Chinese Edition)

·      Yanliang Jin, Yong Xue, Yong Zhang, etc. Analysis of RSSI-based Distance Measurement at Different Antenna Heights [J]. Journal of Shanghai University2012:18(4),360 -364. (Chinese Edition)

·      Yanliang Jin, Yong Xue, Yong Zhang, Zhen Zhang. Location Aided Routing Protocol Based on Congestion Control in WMSN [J]. Journal of Shanghai University2012:18(3), 227-230. (Chinese Edition)

·      Yanliang Jin, Huijun Miao,Quan Ge, Chi Zhou. Expected Transmission Energy Route Metric for Wireless Mesh Senor Networks [J].International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Special Issue on "Smart Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice",2011,1-9.(EI:20113714332114)

·      GE Quan, JIN Yan-liang, SHI Zhi-dong, MIAO Hui-jun. PAPR Analysis for Single-Carrier FDMA MIMO Systems with Space-Time/Frequency Block Codes, Networks Security Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing,2010 (NSWCTC2010).Wuhan,China, 2010.2: 126-129. EI index: 20102813070759

·      HuiJun Miao, Yanliang Jin, Quan Ge, etc. Expected Transmission Energy Routing Metirc for Wireless Mesh Sensor Network The 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010), ChengDu, China, 2010.

·      Yanliang Jin, HuiJun Miao, Haitao Liu, etc. An Improved Backoff Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Based on Game Theory [C],2009 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile & Computing(CCWMC2009), Shanghai, China,2009.

·      Yanliang Jin, Zhu-ming Zhang, Zhen Zhang, Xuyuan Zhang, Power-efficient Topologies for Wireless Sensor Networks with the Fixed Communication Range [C], IET International Communication Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Computing Proceedings (CCWMC’2009),  Shanghai, pp. 74-77.

·       Yanliang Jin, Xuyuan Zhang. An Energy Balanced Anti-interference Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network [C]. The IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile & Sensor Networks Proceedings (CCWMC’2009), Shanghai, China, 2009: pp.184-187.

·       Yan-liang Jin,Zhen Zhang.Contention window based QoS DCC-MAC for wireless multimedia sensor networks[C]. IET International Communication Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Computing Proceedings (CCWMC2009),  Shanghai, pp.201-204.

·      Jin Y L, Jiang Y F, Chen H M, etc. Design of Maximizing Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Clustered Sensor Network Lifetime [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series).( EI)

·      Yanliang Jin, Haojie Lin, Zhuming Zhang, etc. Estimating the Reliability and Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2008), Dalian, China, 2008. (EI number090111833801)

·      Yanliang Jin, Haojie Lin, Huimin Chen, etc. Explanation of Shannon Formula for the UNB communication, The 2nd IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN 2008), Beijing, China, 2008, 33-36.EI

·      Haojie Lin, Yanliang Jin, Zhuming Zhang, etc. Coverage-oriented Reliability and Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network, 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference (CJMW 2008), Shanghai, China, 2008, 215-219

·      Jin Y L, Zhang Z M, Lin H J, etc. Coverage Aging Process of Wireless Sensor Networks [A]. Proceedings of the IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Sensor Netrworks [C]. Shanghai, China,2007:IET. 450-453EI number20091311975572

·      Jiang Y F, Jin Y L, etc. Study and improvement on the performance of DFT-S-GMC PAPR[A]. Proceedings of the IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Sensor Netrworks [C]. Shanghai, China,2007:IET. 735-737.Ei number20091311975651

·      Yanliang Jin, Yuhang Yang,  Modeling TCP Performance with Proxy and ARQ , Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE,  2006, 7(2)164-171. (EI number06159819239)

·      Yanliang Jin, Yifan Jiang, The design of maximizing clustered sensor network lifetime, ICICIC, Beijing, China: IEEE, 2006. 373-376. ( ISTP Number:ISIP:000240867100091)

·      Yanliang Jin, Yuhang Yang, Power Control in Multi-cluster Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2003, 12(4)616-620. SCI  number:730EZ,  EI number:03437694376.




1、任传成、金彦亮、闵新力、贺奇等编著,健康物联网,上海科学技术文 献出版社,2015 年 12 月第一版。 2、薛小平、金彦亮、武卓编著,宽带无线通信,同济大学出版社,2016 年 1 月第一版。